While doing some research for the now-in-process redesign of the Black Hills Web Works website I ran across a blog post by another website agency that mentioned The Bootstrapper’s Bible in passing. I’m familiar with Seth Godin and have read several of his books, in whole or in part, but I hadn’t encountered this one yet. As it turns out the book has been distilled into this manifesto that I discovered this morning. Seeing how this is Labor Day, I thought it worth my time to spend an hour or two reading through the 103 pages in this PDF, and I wasn’t mistaken.
I’m not going to attempt to “wax eloquent” about The Bootstrapper’s Bible, or even toss out any highlights, other than to repeat Godin’s purpose for writing this manifesto:
You can use the information in this manifesto to make any company more focused, more efficient, and more grassroots. Throughout this manifesto, though, I’ll be primarily addressing the classic bootstrapper: entrepreneurs who are working their butts off to start a great business from scratch with no (or almost no) money.
I am going to recommend that you do yourself a favor and read it – for yourself. I’m pretty sure you won’t be disappointed. And if you’re a “bootstrapper” who is still in the process of pulling up the bootstraps of your very own company or small business venture, it may be just what you need to hear at this time in your life.
You can download a free copy at this link or by clicking on the image above.